Certification for smallholders
“Supporting Colombian small scale farmers to implement the Florverde Sustainable Flowers® best practices and encouraging business equality through continuous training and capacity building. Involve governmental and non-governmental institutions to guarantee scalability and continuity in the implementation of Florverde best practices.”
Ximena Franco | Director Florverde Sustainable Flowers

- 23 professionals trained at the first level on Florverde Sustainable Flowers (FSF) standards and procedures
- 100% of the Florverde Checklist adjusted for smallholders
- 43 production units completed Florverde pre-inspections & assessment diagnosis, and 43 action plans defined for FSF implementation
- 94 evaluations performed for all production units, with compliance against Florverde Sustainable Flowers standards validated for 8 production units by independent verification
- Creation of a database of certified smallholders available to exporters to promote market links
- 3 major exporters involved to promote FSF best practice implementation and smallholders supply chain linkages

More Profitable Sustainability (MPS)
Key Topic
Agrochemical Use
Project under way (2017-2018)