
FSI Newsletter Summer 2023

Read in our latest newsletter: Whilst we transition into the second half of the year, there is plenty to update and inform you all on. As the global market begins to settle following the dual impacts of COVID and conflict in Europe; the FSI network is looking forward to strengthening supply chains and dedicate more time towards tackling sustainability challenges head on. We have been continually buoyed by the innovation and resilience we have had the pleasure of witnessing within our membership firsthand.

Read our latest newsletter!

Starting an FSI newsletter with only positive notes does not consider the turbulence and disruptions that continue to arise in global supply chains. Disruptions due to the combined effect of many factors that have such a profound effect on supply chains in floriculture, posing new challenges and realities that almost make us forget about those that we have just overcome. The disruptions also remind us of the importance of a resilient, responsible supply chain. We continue to join our forces for sustainable and robust supply chains through our FSI2025 program. The FSI network is one of the networks that can guide, inspire, and connect, because we are in this together.

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