

Building on 2020 achievements, FSI members outline new and ambitious objectives for 2025.

Embedding sustainability into the supply chain

The FSI 2025 Strategy intends to prepare FSI members to navigate the field of sustainability – and the uncertainty of our current reality – by looking
at every challenge as an opportunity to bring
about greater benefits, in line with Sustainable Development Goals.

Our founding members have made significant efforts in the past 8 years to embed sustainability into their practices while paving the way for other members to embrace new ways of working within the floriculture sector. To date, a total of 68 multistakeholder organisations are united behind the FSI 2025 vision for a transparent and responsible supply chain.

For all those involved across the international floriculture supply-chain, adapting to our changing environment and driving forwards lasting change requires joint solutions, greater collaboration and a renewed focus on:

Responsible production & trade

We strive to mainstream sustainable produced and traded flower and plant volumes by 2025 leading to positive environmental impacts and social well-being.

Responsible conduct

We have the ambition to reduce the carbon footprint of priority products (roses, chrysanthemum and phalaenopsis) by 2025, aligning with and contributing to internationally agreed ambitions and initiatives (including 2015 Paris Agreement). Equally important is our ambition to reduce the living wage gap of workers at farm level by 2025.

Integrated reporting

We will communicate on the achievements and proactively demonstrate progress of sustainability actions across the supply chain through integrating due diligence reporting by 2025.

As we look towards the future, we are ready to support our collective network to adapt in the most creative and positive ways by building on the fertile work we’ve achieved so far. We will learn as we go by listening to each other’s stories and experiences from different contexts, perspectives and geographies. This will enable us to continually respond in the
most relevant, meaningful and impactful ways, and achieve our FSI 2025 vision together.


Beyond our common intention to create a future- proof floriculture sector, we see the potential to inspire other agricultural sectors and legislators to follow. Our contribution to a sustainable economy will set an example of how pre-competitive collaboration is paramount in shaping a better future for our planet and our people.

We invite more enthusiastic organisations involved in the floriculture supply chain to join us on this journey, spark new opportunities and share sustainable solutions that support our FSI 2025 strategic ambitions, and to enjoy the positive spirit of collaboration.

For more information on FSI, please visit and follow FSI on Linked-In or contact the FSI team at