

Building on 2020 achievements, FSI members outline new and ambitious objectives for 2025.

Building on 2020 achievements, FSI members outline new and ambitious objectives for 2025.

Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI): a vision for more sustainable floriculture

FSI multistakeholder members, including producers, traders and retailers have set ambitious aims with a bold strategic plan for enhancing responsibility and transparency within the floriculture supply chain by 2025.

Milestone achievements pave the way for further progress

We have a lot to celebrate. Compliance, transparency and consumer awareness of sustainability in floriculture have improved, accompanied by more stringent market and legal requirements, globally. Many challenges have been felt across the entire supply chain since the 2020 pandemic, but simultaneously, we have also seen accelerated innovations in digitalization, robust data collection practices and multilateral decision-making further enhancing the resilience of the sector.

Against this backdrop, FSI and its members, recognise that efforts must continue to reinforce a supply-chain where current and future sustainability issues can be tackled at sector level, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Sustainability is an essential part of business, and the FSI 2025 strategy contains the components which are needed to let the sector become a solution to the current challenges.” Erling Ølstad, Mester Gronn CEO.

Launching FSI2025

FSI started in 2013 as a market-driven initiative, aligning international floriculture stakeholders to collaboratively drive sustainable production and trade. By 2020, FSI and its members managed to reach collective milestones in terms of responsible production and trade, innovations and best practices. Building on these achievements, the FSI 2025 ambition will promote transparency and a responsibility in the floriculture supply chain, by way of responsible production and trade, responsible conduct, and integrated reporting. To set these wheels in motion, and following on from the FSI General Assembly 2021, held on Tuesday 2nd February, FSI members already intend to pledge ongoing support for various groundbreaking sustainability initiatives.

Under these three pillars, FSI members have set four main objectives to hit by 2025. They include:

  1. The broadening of the 90% responsibly produced and traded volumes ambition to include new environmental and social criteria;
  2. A reduction of the carbon footprint for selected products;
  3. A Reduction of the living wage gap of workers at farm level;
  4. Encouraging FSI members to report on progress and integrate due diligence reporting.

Formulating FSI 2025: co-creation through consultation and working groups

During the recent evaluation which looked at the progress made towards the first milestones and initiating the 2025 strategic review, the FSI Board and members were consulted on their individual and collective outlook of what sustainability would look like beyond 2020. Through these members’ consultations, meetings and working groups, they invested their time and knowledge into formulating the FSI 2025 vision and objectives. FSI would also like to express special thanks to IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative for its ongoing support in this process.

Members recognise that the strength of FSI is to bring a sharing mindset to the table, allowing the sector to share knowledge and co-create on joint solutions. FSI will remain a neutral and not-for-profit organisation, in which members maintain ownership for the implementation of their common 2025 ambition. Through our collective responsibility and proactivity, we aim to set a new direction for a more forward-thinking floriculture sector which contributes towards a better future for our planet and our people.


We invite any enthusiastic organisations involved in the floriculture supply chain to join us on this progressive, inclusive and abundant journey, to share sustainable solutions that support our strategic ambitions and to enjoy the spirit of collaboration. Connect with our vibrant network by signing up at our website: or contact the FSI team at jeroen@fsi2020.comor

For more information on FSI, please visit and follow FSI on Linked-In.