The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a method by the European Commission to evaluate the environmental impact of products throughout their lifecycle, including climate change, resource use, and pollution. It standardizes measurements to help businesses improve sustainability and provide transparent information and the PEF and FloriPEFCR are also approved methods within the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive CSRD.
For floriculture, the FloriPEFCR offers specific guidelines for assessing cut flowers and potted plants. This simplifies the process, reduces costs, and enables meaningful comparisons. The Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) supports these efforts by promoting sustainable practices and developing tools for fact-based discussions and benchmarks.
The FSI benchmarking offers tools the possibility to demonstrate that they comply with FloriPEFCR requirements, produce reliable results, and facilitate data exchange. Tools that are independently verified as FloriPEFCR compliant are placed in the FSI Basket of FloriPEFCR tools and are a reference for all stakeholders when performing or evaluating PEF studies.